

  • 平台/主題
  • PC
  • XboxOne
  • PS4
  • NintendoSwitch


Localised from this IGN wiki https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-witcher-3

Bears are dangerous wild animals that roam the vast open areas of The Witcher 3. Despite the many unnatural beasts and monsters that now make their home in the world, bears are no less dangerous than before.

Bears are usually easy to spot - hiding in caves or large forested groves, and rarely venture out in to well-traveled territory. You can use this to your advantage by sneaking up on one to deal the first strong blow. Once angered, bears have huge unblockable lunging attacks that will require Gerald to roll out of the way to avoid. Knowing when to dodge is crucial, as they will open themselves up to several counter strikes. If a bear rises up on its hind legs, you must escape its slamming attack or risk being thrown backward.
